eDrive can be started as either a Windows application or Windows service.
eDrive as a Windows Application:
To start eDrive, run the BAT file provided: eDrive.bat This mode should only be used for testing / debugging.
eDrive as a Windows Service:
The advantage of operating as a Windows Service is that it will operate continuously, even when there is no individual user logged into the system.
To install eDrive as a Service, four scripts (BAT files ) are provided, which can be used to quickly install/uninstall eDrive as a windows service. These files are located in the eDrive folder under the "windows-service" folder.
service-install.bat Installs eDrive as a windows service
Note: The service will not be started automatically, you must also run "service-start.bat"
service-uninstall.bat Uninstalls eDrive as a windows service
Note: you must stop the eDrive service using "service-stop.bat" first.
service-start.bat Running this script will start eDrive as a windows service (must already be installed)
service-stop.bat Running this script will stop the eDrive windows service
Note: This is equivalent to killing the process with task manager, which could result in lost data. If possible, initiate a graceful shutdown first by visiting http://<edrive hostname or ip>:<edrive-port>/stop (example: "http://localhost:8124/stop")