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Point Value Adjustments

Point Advanced Properties 

There may be times when the raw value of a Point Object needs to be adjusted to convert to a different unit of measurement or to modify the way it is presented to a consumer.  For these reasons, eDrive offers the ability to modify the value of any Point Object by using  Multiplier and Offset.

Multiplier [Optional] Allows the raw value of the Point object to be scaled by a constant factor.  For example, enter a value of 0.001 to scale a raw value of Watts to the eDrive Point value in kiloWatts.
Offset [Optional] Allows the raw value of the Point object to be offset by a constant factor.  For example, a temperature sensor calibration factor could be entered as an offset value of -1.2.   Offset property is applied to the raw value after any Multiplier property is applied.
Watchdog [Optional] Increases the value of this point when the selected device points are all reliable. The value will loop between 0 and 255. A plugin is required for this feature.

For example to convert a raw point value from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you would enter a Multiplier value of 1.8 and an Offset value of 32.0.  Even though eDrive reads the raw point value in Celsius, it will automatically be reported in an equivalent value in Fahrenheit to any consumer of this Point Object value. 

Offset And Multiplier


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