Enter a descriptive name that eDrive will use to reference this device. Spaces and punctuation characters are allowed.
Device Type
From the drop down list, select the option: BACnet.
Polling Timeout
From the drop down list, select the value (in seconds) that will determine how long eDrive will wait for responses from this device before declaring a timeout event and moving on to its next task.
The intent of the timeout period is to allow enough time for the device to fully respond to requests from eDrive, but also allow eDrive to move on to other tasks if the device is offline and not able to respond.
IP Address
Enter the IP Address of the BACnet IP device. If the device is on an MSTP serial network, enter the IP Address of the BACnet router that connects to the MSTP network.
Enter the IP Port Number used for this device. Default port for BACnet communications is 47808.
Target Interval
Enter the value (in seconds) that represents how often this device needs to poll all of its Point Objects. eDrive will distribute its polling activities over the Target Interval and attempt to complete the polling for all of its Point Objects within the Target Interval if possible.
Example: All selected points for this device only need to be updated once every 5 minutes. Set the Target Interval to 300 seconds.
When practical, use a longer value of Target Interval to spread out the polling activities and minimize impact on network bandwidth.
MSTP Network
If this device is located behind a BACnet router on an MSTP network, enter the network ID of the MSTP network.
If the device is native BACnet IP, then enter leave this field blank. The value is not used.
Device Address
For MSTP Devices, enter the bus address for the device on the MSTP network (integer value 1-254).
Read Single
Set to False if the device supports the BACnet Read Multiple service. This will allow for more efficient use of network bandwidth as eDrive will poll for multiple values in each request.
Set to True if the device does not support the Read Multiple service. eDrive will poll for point values individually.
BACnet Point Object Configuration Parameters:
Enter a descriptive name that eDrive will use to reference this Point Object. Spaces and punctuation characters are allowed.
If '/' (forward slash) characters are included in the name, eDrive will create the Point Object in a hierarchical, tree structure with the '/' characters as delimiters. The tree structure will appear in the list of eDrive objects along the right hand side of the page.
Object Type
From the drop down list, select the BACnet object type for this point.
Object ID
Enter the (integer) value of the BACnet object ID for this point.
Example: 102 for Object ID AV-102.
From the drop down list, enter the desired BACnet object property. Most often this will be 'Present Value'.
Note! You can assign Additional Properties to any Point Object such as Offset, scaling Multiplier, History, etc. Please refer to the Additional Point Properties section for more detail.
When Device and/or Point Object configuration is complete, select the Submit Config function to save your changes to eDrive.