University of North Florida
University of North Florida
With nearly 40 buildings on campus and still growing, the University of North Florida is a dynamic institution with increasing challenges to manage all of its facilities for optimal energy efficiency and reliable comfort.
The UNF campus energy management and facilities team wanted an automated control and monitoring system that would save energy and reduce comfort complaints from faculty and students. At the same time, it wanted to tie together all of its buildings in a centralized system with user-friendly work stations.
Facility Automation Solutions worked with UNF facilities personnel to implement a solution for existing campus buildings and with the engineering community to add new buildings to the system as they were constructed.
The Campus Wide Energy Management System utilizes a Schneider Electric EcoStruxure platform to integrate a variety of third-party systems.
One of the biggest energy savings solutions is the integration of the CLASSTIME software that allows the integration of the Student Registration System by administrators with the Building Management System operators. The automated scheduling system makes sure classes are comfortable for occupants. This has saved UNF thousands of dollars which were previously used to cool and heat classroom that were empty.
The new UNF facilities management system delivered by FAS has enabled the campus to increase energy savings and improve system reliability while greatly reducing the number of hours spent by facility personnel on repairs.
Managers are able to focus more effort on performing preventative maintenance and implementing energy-saving programs. FAS and the applied software solutions have allowed UNF to continue to improve efficiencies during the advent of increased ASHRAE outdoor air requirements that create cleaner and healthier buildings.

Project Details
Equipment Installed – More than 3,500 DDC Controllers for HVAC control and monitoring totaling more than 189,000 control points
Network — University of North Florida Ethernet LAN
Control Applications
- HVAC / Electrical Applications
- Chilled Water Plant Controls
- Boiler Plant Controls
- Campus-wide AHU Control
- Lab Fume Hood Controls (70+)
- Lighting Controls
- Energy Monitoring
Software Applications
- Struxure and Continuum for HVAC Control
- RS-2 Access Control and Integration
- CLASSTIME Software Integration Platform for BACnet systems
- eDrive for integration of plant equipment and Fume Hood Systems
- eDrive for integration of Trane systems, WiFi Thermostats, and other critical systems
Remote Access — Remote access Critical Point logging and alarm notification is provided through